戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study  2019/9
第32卷第3期 Vol.32 No.3     1-30
DOI:DOI: 10.6130/JORS.201909_32(3).0001  

The External and Internal Factors of Urban Parks Associated with Physical Activity and Health of Residents

Yen-Cheng Chiang


Urban parks are outdoor activity spaces that provide residents
with beneficial environments and improved public health. In recent years,
poor accessibility to urban parks, insufficient recreational facilities, a lack of
management and maintenance, deteriorating facilities, and insufficient security
measures. For residents, the problems in these two dimensions pose barriers
to using the parks, thereby reducing their frequency of use, and influencing
their physical activity level and health. Therefore, The purpose of this study
is to explore the influence that urban parks and green spaces have on people’s
physical activity level and health status based on the perspectives of external
(planning) and internal (design) factors. This study is conducted in Chaiyi City,
with the researched locations including all parks in Chiayi City. This study used
geographic information system overlays, site investigations, and questionnaire
methods to collect data. We had 870 valid samples in this study. The results
showed that as park distance decreased, resident’s physical activity increased.
More facilities and more amenities in parks can increase physical activity.
Furthermore, higher physical activity results in better health. The results of this
study can provide urban park planners and designers with references regarding
location establishment and facility design to increase people’s use frequency, and
to improve their physical activity level and health.

Park proximity;Supportive environment;Recreation facilities;Outdoor recreation;Walking