戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study  2024/9
第37卷第3期 Vol.37 No.3     49-80

The Effect of Campus Planning on the Health-Promoting Lifestyle of University Students

Yu-Chun Wang, Tsung-Chi Chang, Po-Ju Chang

健康促進大學(health-promoting universities)概念的目的是將健康願景融入大學的結構、學習過程和文化中,以促進學生、教職員和更廣泛社區的健康與福祉。健康校園規劃的作用對於大學生參與校內戶外活動和創造健康生活型態至關重要。本研究建立多層次模型以探討大學校園規劃層面的六個因子(即連結度、整合度、土地利用混合、人口密度、建築密度、校園綠化)和學生層面的校內活動對學生健康促進生活型態的影響。研究樣本包括所32所大學物理環境和1,797名當學期有註冊的大學生受訪者。研究結果顯示,住在校園內並參加更多校內戶外活動的受訪者有更好的促進健康生活型態。在歸一化植被指數(NDVI)、連結度和建築密度較高的校園受訪者顯示更好的健康促進生活型態。校園設計者和規劃者應更加重視戶外環境,以增加對不同類型戶外活動的參與,從而改善學生的健康狀況。

The aim of the health-promoting universities framework is to integrate a vision of health into the structure, learning processes, and culture of universities to promote the health and well-being of students, staff, and the wider community. The role of healthy campus planning is critical for university students to engage in on-campus outdoor activities and create a healthy lifestyle. This study developed a multilevel model to examine the effects of the six features of campus planning (i.e., connectivity, integration, mixed land use, population density, building density, greenness on campus) at the university level and of on-campus activities at the student level on students’ health-promoting lifestyles. The data included 32 universities and 1,797 participants who were registered as active university students. The results showed that participants residing on campus participated in more on-campus outdoor activities and reported more health-promoting lifestyles. The participants who studied at a campus that had higher levels of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), connectivity, and building density reported better health-promoting lifestyles. In addition, the positive effects of on-campus outdoor leisure and nonleisure activities on students’ health-promoting lifestyles were elicited via different features of campus planning. Campus designers and planners should place greater importance on the outdoor environment to increase participation in different types of outdoor activities, thus improving students’ health outcomes.

Young adults, Use of green space, Health-promoting lifestyle, Outdoor leisure