戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study  2024/9
第37卷第3期 Vol.37 No.3     125-158

Exploring Consumers’ Purchase Intention toward Online Travel Agent Websites with the Perspective of Para-Social Presence

I-Jen Wu, Yue-Yang Chen, Chia-Fu Tai, Yu-Ting Chiu


Online buying has become one of modern society’s most essential consumption methods. In today’s Internet-enabled world, information pushed to consumers allows them to reference, link, and compare products using information that is relevant to them. In the online consumer market, thanks to the diversified media channels and interaction modes, new media advertising and marketing strategies provided by merchants can trigger multi-directional interactions with consumers, which in turn influence consumers' perceptions of e-shops and their purchasing intentions. Thus, this study bases on para-social presence and focuses on online shoppers and uses five constructs (immediacy, sense of understanding, dominance, involvement, and positivity) to understand consumers' intention of purchasing a trip on a travel website after experiencing travel-related information provided by the platform and the ability to transact with the travel agent's website. The results showed that the five constructs have significant effects on consumers' attitudes toward purchasing trips, and the attitudes toward purchasing trips also have a significant effect on the intention to purchase trips from the online travel agent’s website.

Social presence, Para-social presence, Purchasing intentions, Online travel agent’s website