This paper analyzes tourism research trends based on more than 6000 papers from 16 journals between 1997 and 2016 using bibliographic coupling and citation methods. Unlike previous studies based on expert opinion and manual calculations, this study adopts a content mining tool to process a large volume of data so as to obtain relatively objective research topics and their trends. The result provides an overview of the research during the past 20 years for further study or for teaching reference. This study shows that the research topics become diversified as the world changes. New topics emerge with the advent of new technology and novel management in society. Mobile technology and the rise of the co-sharing economy are the two salient examples. In the future, climate change, artificial intelligence, unmanned vehicles, and big data will attract significant attention and become the major research topics in tourism. It is worth noting that Topic 1, Tourists, Locals, and Places, accounts for 90.6% and has continuously drawn scholars' attention over the past 20 years. The shifts in research focus suggest that the interests of tourism scholars change along with contemporary events, such as technology development, new business models, international incidents, or environmental changes, all of which have an influence on research trends. The analytical result also revealed the creation of tourism knowledge derived from a few groups of key articles.