戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study  2023/12
第36卷第4期 Vol.36No.4     1-37

Legitimacy of Stakeholders’ Day Trips Using the Means-End Chain Approach

Yung-Ping Tseng, Chien-Chung Chen, You-Zih Jiang, Feng-Hsien Pang

社區小旅行在近10餘年來,藉由各部會的推動政策及計畫扶植下,例如:富麗農村、社區營造及農村再生等,不斷編列經費扶植在地社區小旅行。但因發展觀光條例第27條規定「非旅行業者不得經營旅行業業務」規定,讓社區小旅行面臨違法營運。本研究針對社區小旅行業者、社團或協會、旅行社與專家學者及一般民眾等四種權益關係人,透過57位權益關係人的焦點團體訪談,以方法目的鏈方式探討社區小旅行營運現況、困難及未來期許。本研究歸納出8個屬性、6個結果及5個價值。透過更進一步繪製出四種價值階層圖之後,本研究認為在未明確訂立小旅行專章前,經營社區小旅行應設法與合法旅行社合作,在稅務與品保機制上,業者與社區才能雙贏。此外,各種權益關係人均認同跨域整合、異業結盟,以媒合更多的行銷通路或平台。最後,在後新冠肺炎疫情時期,社區小旅行的經營應借重日本地方創生經驗,持續推動旅遊目的地行銷管理組織(Destination Marketing / Management Organization , DMO)的觀光戰略目標。

Over the past decade, the policies and plans of various ministries
and commissions, such as rural regeneration, community construction, and rural
rejuvenation, have been continuously allocating funds to support local community
day trips. However, Article 27 of the Statute for the Development of Tourism,
which stipulates that “non-tourism operators shall not operate travel businesses,”
has resulted in community day trips being charged as illegal operations. The
purpose of this study is to explore the current operating situation, the difficulties,
and the prospects for community day trips through the Means-End Chain (MEC)
model. It will focus on four groups of stakeholders, with interviews conducted
with 57 of these stakeholders, including community day trip operators, related
societies or associations, travel agencies, experts/scholars, and the general public.
The research results, collated from interviews with stakeholders, yielded eight
common attributes, six consequences, and five values. A further mapping of the
four Hierarchical Values Map (HVM) showed that community day trips should
be managed in cooperation with legal travel agencies; thus, tax and a quality
assurance mechanism could create a win-win situation for both the operators
and the community. To combine more marketing channels or platforms, various
stakeholders identified cross-regional integration and alliances within different
industries. Finally, in the post-coronavirus pandemic era, we should look at
insights from the impact of Japanese regional revitalization policy in promoting
cross-regional integration and continue to promote the strategic tourism
objectives of the Destination Marketing Organization (DMO).

Day trip, Regional revitalization, Stakeholder, Focus group interview, DMO