戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study  2024/12
第37卷第4期 Vol.37 No.4     31-60

Nature's Time Travelers: Exploring the Impact of Natural Perceptions Within the Nostalgia Process on Emotional Well- Being and Place Attachment

Hsuan-Man Wu, Kuang-Yu Chang, Kuan-Yang Chen


The aim of this study was to investigate how nature-based time travel triggered by memories related to leisure nostalgia can generate effective perceived restoration, emotional well-being, and place attachment to nature. A total of 394 participants with previous experiences of nature-based leisure were involved in the study. The study triggered participants’ leisure nostalgia. This was followed by a brief recall from past mental travel experiences . Finally, participants completed a survey. Data collected were analyzed using a partial least squares structural model. The results revealed that nature-based time travel triggered through leisure-induced nostalgia can engender a sense of perceptual restoration through non-physical contact with nature, ultimately enhancing emotional well-being and fostering an emotional attachment to nature. Based on the findings, recommendations for future academic research and practical applications are proposed.

Leisure nostalgia, Perceived restoration, Emotional well-being, Place attachment