1The Role of Nature-Based Tourism in Supporting Happiness in the Post-COVID-19 Era: The Case of the Mingchi National Forest Recreation AreaVol.38 No.1 Songpon Sirichai
2Research on the sustainable development of the Tainan Visitor Information Center SystemVol.38 No.1 Shan-Wen Chu
3Evaluating the Economic Benefits of Recreation Related to the Black-Faced Spoonbill Conservation and Docent Guided Tour Services in Taijiang National ParkVol.37 No.4 Arwin Pang
4Nature's Time Travelers: Exploring the Impact of Natural Perceptions Within the Nostalgia Process on Emotional Well- Being and Place AttachmentVol.37 No.4 Hsuan-Man Wu
5The Impact of Tourism Advertising Appeals and Element Combinations on Tourism Image and Intention to VisitVol.37 No.4 Hsuan-Yi Chou
6Studying the Impact of Natural Features on Tactile Healing and Emotional ExperiencesVol.37 No.4 Chia-Yu Chen
7The Drama “Light the Night”: The Effects of Film Tourism on Destination Image and Tourists’ Behavioral IntentionVol.37 No.3 Guan-Zhong Wang
8The Effect of Campus Planning on the Health-Promoting Lifestyle of University StudentsVol.37 No.3 Yu-Chun Wang
9Construction of the Indicators of Professional Competence for Horticultural Therapists in TaiwanVol.37 No.3 Yun-Chen Chen
10Exploring Consumers’ Purchase Intention toward Online Travel Agent Websites with the Perspective of Para-Social PresenceVol.37 No.3 I-Jen Wu
11The Metamorphosis of Leisure and Recreation: Well-being Health under Social Change in Taiwan and the Moderating Effect of Quality of LifeVol.37No.2 Tzu-Yao Lin
12Are Consumers Influenced by Conformity Behavior When Purchasing Tourism Products? An Investigation into Social Influence and the Moderating Effect of Involvement and Impulsive TraitsVol.37No.2 You-De Dai
13Litton7: A Deep Learning Model for the Visual Landscape Classification of LittonVol.37No.2 Li-Chih Ho
14Sustainable Tourism Development Strategies in the Post-Pandemic Period with an Emphasis on Luxury TourismVol.37No.2 Chun-Hsien Lo
15Using ecological momentary assessment to investigate the associations among daily steps, outdoor contexts, and daily affect in adultsVol.37No.1 Shang-Ti Chen
16Study on the Effects of Parental Support and Leisure Time Use on Adolescent Internet Behavior and Addiction: A Comparison of Different GroupsVol.37No.1 Nai-Lin Wang
17A Study on the Benefits of Restorative Forest Landscapes in the Huisun Forest Area – Applying the Perceived Sensory Dimensions (PSD) ApproachVol.37No.1 You-Jheng Lin
18A Study of Covid-19 Stress and Leisure Coping among College StudentsVol.37No.1 Wei-Ching Wang
19Legitimacy of Stakeholders’ Day Trips Using the Means-End Chain ApproachVol.36No.4 Yung-Ping Tseng
20Exploring Travel App Usage Intentions from Experiential Marketing, Interactivity, Localization, and Information Quality PerspectivesVol.36No.4 Yi-Fen Chen