戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study  2024/12
第37卷第4期 Vol.37 No.4     97-125

Studying the Impact of Natural Features on Tactile Healing and Emotional Experiences

Chia-Yu Chen, Chia-Kuen Cheng, Chien-Yau Lin


Touch is a fundamental human sense that often goes overlooked. Beyond serving as a physiological barrier, the skin can create diverse experiences and evoke rich emotional responses. This study explores the impact of different natural features on tactile healing and emotional experiences. Qualitative interviews were conducted to understand participants’ tactile perceptions and emotional experiences in natural environments. Based on the interviews, natural features were categorized into six types regarding tactile perception. Additionally, the emotional responses related to tactile healing from natural features were classified into eight types. The conclusions drawn from the results were as follows: (1) Interaction with natural features through touch can evoke healing and positive emotions, thereby deepening cognitive and emotional connections to the natural environment; (2) Specific tactile sensations in natural environments can produce healing tactile experiences; (3) People perceive specific emotional experiences in natural environments as tactile healing.

Healing garden, Natural elements, Touch, Tactile receptors, Emotions