戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study  2025/3
第38卷第1期 Vol.38 No.1     1-39

The Role of Nature-Based Tourism in Supporting Happiness in the Post-COVID-19 Era: The Case of the Mingchi National Forest Recreation Area

Songpon Sirichai, Shang-Ti Chen, Po-Ju Chang

本研究旨在建構遊客在後疫情時代前往自然旅遊,對COVID-19的恐懼、恢復性環境、戶外休閒活動與幸福感之間的關係模型。研究對象為391位前往明池國家森林遊樂區的遊客,經結構方程模型與路徑分析來驗證此一模型的適配程度。研究結果顯示,遊客對COVID-19的恐懼與恢復性環境以及戶外休閒活動顯著負相關,恢復性環境以及戶外休閒活動與幸福感顯著正相關。然而,恢復性環境與戶外休閒活動對於COVID-19的恐懼與幸福感的關係路徑呈現中介效果。本研究應用刺激-反應理論與社會生態框架來解釋模型,研究解釋遊客於後COVID-19 時代前往自然旅遊時,具恢復性的自然環境與戶外休閒活動如何影響COIVD-19的恐懼與幸福感之間的關聯,研究結果供環境管理單位與後續研究者之參考。

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) that struck the world in 2019, inciting a global pandemic, has had significant negative psychological consequences for individuals. Drawing on stress reduction theory, attention restoration theory, and the leisure and health buffering model, this study finds that nature-based tourism has the potential to counteract COVID-19-related negative psychological responses and promote increased happiness. In identifying this connection, this study contributes to the empirical research on nature-based tourism and its impact on psychological well-being in the post-COVID-19 era. This study examines the relationships between fear of COVID-19, perceived restorative environment, outdoor leisure activities, and happiness. Data are collected from 391 Taiwanese tourists visiting the Mingchi National Forest Recreation Area in Taiwan. Traditional statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling are used for data analysis. The findings reveal significant negative relationships between fear of COVID-19, perceived restorative environment, and outdoor leisure activities, but not happiness. Additionally, significant positive relationships are found to exist between perceived restorative environment, outdoor leisure activities, and happiness. Finally, perceived restorative environment and outdoor leisure activities mediate the relationship between fear of COVID-19 and happiness. Stimulus–response (S-R) theory and a socio-ecological framework for understanding the relationship between greenspace access and health are applied to enable interpretation of the proposed structural model. This study empirically identified changes in sentiment among Taiwanese tourists relating to fear of COVID-19 and happiness in the post-COVID-19 era. The results provide evidence for environmental management institutes and further research.

Nature-based destinations, Restorative environment, Outdoor leisure, Well-being, COVID-19