戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study  2020/9
第33卷第3期 Vol.33 No.3     53-84
景觀敘事應用於植物園之解說效果評估—以國立自然科學博物館 植物園為例  

Assessment on the Efficiency of Interpretation by Employing Landscape Narratives in Botanic Gardens: A Case Study of Botanical Garden in National Museum of Natural Science

Li-Shin Chang, Shang-Mei Chiu, Hsin-Fu Yen


Botanic gardens worldwide have been regarding as important sites
for learning plants and related knowledge. In previous research conducted by
our lab the results have demonstrated that applying landscape narrative elements
in the theme display areas in botanic garden could enhance users’ learning and
memory by using film as a visual stimulus to send messages. The objective of
this research was to explore how the learning efficiency of group learners was
affected by employing landscape narratives through both computer simulation
and real site scene creation in botanical gardens. The empirical research was
undertaken at the Botanical Garden of National Museum of Natural Science of
Taichung. The theme display areas targeted in the study were created by both
computer simulation and real site setting with landscape narratives elements.
Total 695 school children of grade 3-4 elementary school students in Taichung
were randomly selected to participate in this study on-site. The main findings of
the research included: when the interpretive content of thematic displays were
well associated and matched with the narrative landscape, the comprehension
and retention of content by pupils was significantly increased for both computer
simulation film and on-site display treatment. Interests, attractiveness and visual
preference of narrative landscape scenes were also enhanced while comparing
without those elements. Learning efficiency of pupils shows significantly positive
correlation to visual preference for two ways of experiencing. The results indicate
that computer simulation can be used to predict the efficiency of interpretation
and visual preference of on-site theme displays at design stage and it could
effectively enhance conduction of interpretation before and after construction.

Cognitive psychology; Computer simulation; Exhibit design