The field as the classroom, the practice as the curriculum: An exploration on the learning model of experiential landscape design studio
Rung-Jiun Chou、Chun-Chun Lu
本研究旨在探討景觀設計studio課程結合體驗式學習的教育理念與 學習行為,此類型studio藉由真實場域作為教學基地,學生透過接收、思 考、行動、反思之過程循環漸進,課程設計結合現場教學以及做中學,期 望課程能鏈結設計教學的理論與實務。本研究以國內某大學景觀學系一年 級studio必修課「景觀設計」為研究案例,採取為期一年的縱貫性研究,分 析體驗式課程的執行經驗。本研究發現,體驗式景觀設計studio學習模式 之執行過程有以下三項決定性因素:(1)課程主題內容與真實生活經驗的鏈 結;(2)團隊合作學習;(3)學習者自發性的學習途徑。本研究認為,教師角 色如同旅人,不同於傳統師徒制下的高度權威角色,而是一種有益於學習 者為主體的師生夥伴關係。雖然學生可能因有限的專業能力而影響學習表 現,但體驗式學習的過程可以促進他們將學習經驗轉化為下階段有意義的 學習行動,逐步建構專業知識。
This research aims to explore the educational ideas and learning behaviors of landscape design studio combined with experiential learning. This type of studio uses the real field as the teaching base. Students can progress through the process of receiving, thinking, acting, and reflecting. The curriculum design combines on-site teaching and learning-by-doing. It is expected that the curriculum can link the theory and practice of design teaching. Through the research design of a one-year longitudinal study, this study uses the first-year compulsory studio course “Landscape Design” in the Department of Landscape Architecture of a university as a case to explore the implementation experience of the experiential studio course. This study found that the implementation process of the experiential landscape design studio learning mode has the following three decisive factors: (1) the link between the course content and real-life experience; (2) teamwork learning; (3) learners’ self-developed ways to learn. This study shows that the role of the instructor as a traveler, which is different from the highly authoritative role under the traditional master-apprentice system, is an instructor-student partnership that benefits the learner-centered system. Although students’ learning performance may be affected due to their limited professional ability, the process of experiential learning can promote them to transform their learning experience into meaningful learning actions in the next stage, which construct their expertise gradually.
experiential learning, on-site teaching, learning-by-doing, design studio