戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study  2023/3
第36卷第1期 Vol.36No.1     33-64

Hierarchical Evaluation Framework for Health and Wellness Destination: A Case in Zhangzhou, China

Fu-Yao Liu, Yan-Jia Liou


Zhangzhou ranks first in Fujian Province in terms of the
recreation index and has the potential for recreational tourism development.
Although many cities in mainland China are present at this stage, no system for
evaluating recreational tourism in cities has been developed. The development
of recreational tourism should be in line with local conditions. The present study
analyzed the case of Zhangzhou, a city that has favorably developed recreational
tourism in terms of its available tourism resources. The elements that enable
tourism to meet the needs of the current situation were identified and categorized
into resource, environment, and development and construction condition factors.
The elements were further divided into 7 criteria and 22 index layers on the
basis of their characteristics. An expert panel of five, three, four, and four experts
respectively from the tourism, medical care, forestry, and ecology industries
made decisions. On the basis of their input, an evaluation system for calculating
the relative weight values of indices was established. The results revealed that
environment (0.462) is the factor that should be assigned the highest priority.
According to a comprehensive weight analysis, vegetation coverage (0.168),
forest landscapes (0.121), air quality (0.094), organic agriculture (0.069),
climate (0.068), and pastoral landscapes (0.067) should also be prioritized.
Therefore, health-focused travel and leisure services suitable for four seasons
can be developed by utilizing the natural landscapes, environment, and organic
agriculture or foods of Zhangzhou.

Health care, Health and wellness tourism, Tourism resources