解析文青旅遊地體驗景觀與顧客公民 行為之關係—難忘性與顧客認同 的中介作用
Research on the Relationship between the Wenqing Tourism Destination Experiencescape and Customer Citizenship Behavior: The Mediating Roles of Memorability and Customer Identification
Kaung-Hwa Chen, Leo Huang, Ying Ye
為明晰建構文青旅遊地的具體要素,本文引入體驗景觀的概念,透過對網路評論和半結構訪談文本分別操作紮根理論,歸納文青旅遊地體驗景觀的屬性。基於此,先後操作兩次網路問卷調查,萃取出遊客視角下文青旅遊地體驗景觀的六個因素為:公共環境、旅遊資源、體驗行為、感知空間環境、社交互動、接待人員;基於刺激-機體-反應理論,透過對中國大陸和臺灣的遊客現場發放問卷(n = 429),發現:文青旅遊地體驗景觀直接地、或透過難忘性和顧客認同的中介作用間接地影響顧客公民行為。研究發現將致力於深化對旅遊地「文青」標籤的理解,並提出貢獻於旅遊業發展的管理實務意涵。
To clarify the elements of wenqing (cultural and artistic) tourism destinations, this paper introduced the concept of the experiencescape and summarized the attributes of the wenqing tourism destination experiencescape by applying the grounded theory through online reviews and semi-structured interviews. Based on the qualitative research results, two online questionnaire surveys were conducted successively, and six factors were extracted from the tourists’ perspective on the wenqing tourism destination experiencescape: public environment, tourism resource, experience behavior, perceived space and environment, social interaction, and service personnel. In light of the stimulusorganism- response theory, through an on-site questionnaire survey (n = 429) administered to tourists from the Chinese mainland and Taiwan, it was found that the wenqing tourism destination experiencescape affects customer citizenship behavior directly or indirectly through the mediating roles of memorability and customer identification. The findings will be dedicated to deepening the understanding of the “wenqing” label in tourism and putting forward management implications that contribute to the development of the tourism industry.
Experiencescape, Wenqing, Memorability, Customer identification, Customer citizenship behavior