戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study  2023/6
第36卷第2期 Vol.36No.2     65-103
固定翼超輕型載具同乘飛行者刺激尋求、體驗價值與再訪意願關係之研究: 兼論從SOR觀點分析冒險遊憩活動 參與者  

Study on the Relationships among the Sensation Seeking, Experience Value, and Revisit Intention of Fixed-Wing Ultra- Light Vehicle Passengers: Using the Perspective of the S-O-R Model to Analyze Adventure Recreation Participants

Cheng-Hao Lai, Chung-Long Yu, Yu-Cheng Chang, Shang-Wei Hsu

本研究應用S-O-R理論架構,欲瞭解固定翼超輕型載具活動參與者的刺激尋求、體驗價值與再訪意圖三者間的關係,並再次檢視S-O-R理論架構,依實證結果提出結論建議。本研究採用量化取徑,透過問卷進行資料收集,以曾經體驗過固定翼超輕型載具同乘的參與者為研究對象,採紙本搭配線上問卷進行便利抽樣。共回收244份(有效數241份,佔98.77%),經過結構方程模式分析後,本研究結論:(一) S(刺激)與R(反應)存在直接關係。(二) 不同刺激尋求程度的參與者透過體驗價值會在再訪意圖上有顯著差別。本研究建議:(一) 體驗提供者應著重在整體體驗環境的塑造。(二) 建立安全的同乘飛行體驗是基本信念。(三) 定期舉辦多元活動創造再次參與吸引力。

This study applied the theoretical framework of the stimuliorganism-
response (S-O-R) to understand the relationships among sensation
seeking, experience value, and revisit intention in participants who fly in
ultralight aircrafts and propose relevant suggestions based on the empirical
results. The study adopted a quantitative approach and conducted a survey
for data collection. The research objects were participants who had flown in
ultralight aircrafts and were selected via paper and online questionnaires based
on convenience sampling. Two hundred and forty-four samples were collected
(241 were valid, 98.77%). The data were analyzed by using SEM, and the
conclusions were as follows: (1) The relationship of S (stimulus) and R (response)
was identified according to the S-O-R theory. (2) There was a significant
difference in revisit intentions via experience value between different levels of
sensation-seeking participants in adventure recreation. Relevant suggestions were
as follows: (1) Experience providers should focus on the experience shaping the
overall environment. (2) Establishing a safe flying experience is the basic belief.
(3) A variety of active or passive activities could be offered to create revisit

Light aircraft, Leisure aviation, Airspace activities, experience marketing