戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study  2023/9
第36卷第3期 Vol.36No.3     37-70

The Study of the Natural Ecology, Landscape Aesthetics, and Place Attachment of Urban Green Spaces

Yen-Hsi Li


In the development model of urbanization, the division and
content of urban spaces tend to be functional considerations while neglecting
the needs of human emotion and natural ecology. The fragmentation and
geometrization of urban green spaces have grown gradually and counteractively
to nature. This research sought to understand and analyze whether experts and
the public had the same aesthetic cognition of the formal style and the natural
ecology in the design of urban green spaces. First, from the literature review,
this study defined the four types of landscape ecological aesthetics of urban
green spaces using the landscape ecological aesthetic evaluation matrix. It
then examined the relationships among place attachment, landscape aesthetics,
and preferences for urban green spaces . In addition, this study analyzed how
differences in social and economic backgrounds and personal characteristics
affected place attachment, landscape aesthetic evaluation, and preference. The
results of the study showed that there were no significant differences in the
landscape ecological aesthetic evaluation, preference, and place attachment for
the different types of green spaces. Respondents’ aesthetic evaluation of parks
with low ecology and middle aesthetics was higher than that of parks with
high ecology and high aesthetics, indicating that there were still differences
in cognition between respondents and experts. Place attachment positively
affected the aesthetic evaluation and preference of landscape ecology. Individual
socioeconomic backgrounds and personal characteristics showed some
significant influences on landscape ecological aesthetic evaluation, preference,
and place attachment. The results of this study could be used by the public works
department and landscape designers when considering how to balance natural
ecology and landscape aesthetics in the planning and design of urban spaces.

Landscape ecological aesthetics, Green space, Place attachment