戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study  2023/9
第36卷第3期 Vol.36No.3     101-124

Using Relationship Marketing to Examine the Inertia Behavior in Chinese Sport/ Leisure Consumption – A Data Analytics Approach

Ming-Chih Tsai, Mei-Lien Chen, Shuo-Hung Hung

本研究結合消費行動慣性與價值理論,利用交易資料RFM (recency-frequency-monetary, RFM)結構與一般化線性交互模式,以台商在中國浙江地區建設經營的某大型運動遊憩館1,126位會員之實際活動行為數據為例,分析區隔顧客關係策略對維持運動休閒活動的影響。研究發現消費者受關係策略所激發的行動慣性與金錢價值,可以有效的預測其參與休閒活動行為,其中社會型關係較財務型關係更具有維持顧客活動的效能,但是過度的社會關係卻會反而降低顧客價值與資產,此結論在過去休閒產業較少被關注與驗證。研究著重朝向數據分析潮流的學術貢獻,以結合多項行為理論發展分析模式,協助產業簡化並有效預測與區隔顧客行為的作業,深化關係資源運用,在實證上提供台商洞燭管理中國運動遊憩市場的實例。

This study investigated the customer relationship portfolio
of a sport/leisure facility, integrating action inertia, monetary value, and a
transactional RFM (recency-frequency-monetary, RFM) structure. A generalized
linear interaction model was applied to construct prediction models of customer
retention and value segmentation. The sample data comprised 1,126 members
of a Taiwanese-owned sport/leisure facility in eastern China. The results showed
that action inertia and monetary value are effective predictors of customer
retention. In terms of two types of relational bonds, social bonds are more
effective than economic bonds in retaining customers. However, relationships
can also devalue the service and create negative social capital that offsets these
effects. The study theoretically integrated theories of customer portfolio, action
inertia, and relationship marketing with database analysis in the sport/leisure
facility context. The specified model enhanced the interpretation and prediction
of customer relationship value by segment to advance the trend of customer
relationship analytics with empirical insight into Taiwanese sport/leisure
investment in China.

Relationship marketing, Action inertia, Customer retention, Customer analytics