後疫情時期永續旅遊發展新策略: 以豪華旅遊為例
Sustainable Tourism Development Strategies in the Post-Pandemic Period with an Emphasis on Luxury Tourism
Chun-Hsien Lo, Tung-Hsuan Wan
Luxury tourism is often misunderstood as a waste of tourism resources that contradicts sustainability goals. The importance of environmental and social sustainability has been brought into clear relief by the COVID-19 pandemic. In this study, the qualitative content and service characteristics of luxury tourism are investigated. Consumption value model theory is used to determine the degree of correlation between the hierarchy of need and sustainable tourism development. It is revealed that the consumer perception of luxury tourism includes safety, privacy, scarcity, uniqueness, and quality services, as well as the transmission of self-value to society through tourism products. Luxury tourism can align with sustainable development goals if tourism products encompass unique natural environmental and rich historical and cultural content that allows consumers to appreciate, respect, and learn about the local culture.
Post-pandemic period, Sustainable tourism development strategy, Luxury tourism, Consumption value model, Qualitative research